I'm not confused. I'm just well mixed.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Wow 9 years. It's amazing how time flies when you're having fun. Nine years ago on this very day I stood before God and all my friends and family and promised to love honor and cherish the man standing next to me. To take him for better or worse, in sickness and health, richer or poorer, until death parted us. I really have very little memory of the actual ceremony except for the fact I totally freaked out moments before my grand entrance and if not for my wonderful friend Jackie I probably would have hyperventilated myself unconscious. I also remember looking at my dad and him trying not to cry. Same for the husband to be. I'm thinking that if either one of them goes, then I'm a complete watery mess. During the unity candle lighting our flame was soooo small neither of us could actually see it. Maybe we should have lit it earlier so the wax residue was melted. As we stood there willing the candle to burn, I started giggling and Jim whispered not to breathe or we'd blow it out. As far as verses and songs go, that part is just a blur. After we were pronounced a married couple I remember turning around and looking at the small crowd of guests and panicking because I did not see my grandmother. My 11 year old brother, one of our ushers, had sat her on the wrong side and she was next to my in-laws. That turned out to be a blessing because Grandma was hard of hearing and she was able to see my face and read my lips as I said my vows. The rest of the evening was a lot of fun. An unexpected talk point of the event was our photographer. She was very good at her job but I don't think she should have worn a skirt with a slit the went up as high as it did. According to the loving husband, she was wearing blue underwear. It could have been worse, we don't have any guest got drunk and then...stories and no one ended up on the next episode of COPS. My parents and In-laws liked each other and the wedding party got along with each other too so no "Jerry Springer" moments either.

On the day of my wedding my biggest concerns were weather or not people would have a good time and if I would like the new job I was starting when we got back from our honeymoon. Nine years and several major life changes later I sit at a computer and write about the life I have now. Looking back on the vows I took both Jim and I have had them tested. We have had to deal with sickness, sometimes the minor flu bug other times stuff that requires surgery (me). Throw the kids in the mix and there is a lot of sickness to deal with. We don't take our health for granted as we found out when we lost my father-in-law to a sudden heart attack two years after we were married and shortly before the birth of our first child. The richer or poorer is always one to joke about but when you lose your job 4 months before the wedding like I did or when your husband comes home one day and tells you he just got laid off like Jim did a few years later there is no laughter. The better part of the vows is great. It's always fun to be married when you get flowers or romantic gifts and everything is on the up and up. The real test of the marriage is when the worse butts in and life goes downhill. Every day I thank God for giving me the husband He gave me and I'm thankful for the last nine years. I'd prefer the good but I'll take the bad if it means I get to keep the man. I love you sweetie-pie. Happy Anniversary.

1 comment:

Pam H. said...

Happy Anniversary, you guys!! Other than the obvious happiness that was MORE than evident with you that day. . . two things stand out in my memory: your impromptu shower that your sister and I shopped for at the Dollar Store--your and Jim's comments as things came out of the bag were priceless!! And #2, the fact that I was able to be there only 6 weeks after knee surgery!!! Though I wouldn't have missed it for the world!!