I'm not confused. I'm just well mixed.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweetie-pie

Today is Jim's birthday. I won't mention how old he is but I'm sure many of you can figure it out on your own. One thing I love about him is his ability to totally hit it out of the park when it comes to finding me the perfect gift. I can honestly say that I do not have a gift horror story or even remember a time when I got a lousy "what were you thinking?" type of gift. Unfortunately, I inherited the bad gift giving gene. Every year I try and try to get the perfect gift and every year the poor man is stuck with my pathetic attempts and earnest failures. He must really love me since he has had to endure so many bad Christmas, birthday, and anniversary gifts. This year I decided to dedicate a blog post to him. I figured the least I could do was tell the whole world how wonderful he was. I'll keep it short and simple.

Happy birthday honey. You are the sweetest most wonderful husband and father in the whole wide world. You work hard to support your family and are admired and respected by your friends and co-workers. You are a loving and devoted father who sees spending time with the kids as a privilege not a chore. You take them on outings and read them stories. You are always there to kiss them good night and tuck them into bed. You have a unique sense of humor that always makes me laugh. Together there is nothing that we can't find funny, even if it is not always PC or "G" rated. When you're not being funny then you are sharing your other talents with the world such as your sense of organization and attention to details. If not for you then I'd be totally lost and probably broke. And finally, you are my true companion and best friend. You love me for who I am and put up with all my crazy quirks and flaws. You go out of your way to help me out and even when I've gone and screwed things up you still manage to forgive me and love me in the morning. I love you with all my heart and thank you for choosing me as your life partner.

OK, I'm done being sappy. Hubby is going to roll his eyes and sigh and walk away shaking his head like he always does. Secretly, I'm sure he's gotta love this gift. That and the gift certificate I got him for his favorite store, and the sour cream raisin pie I'm making him.

PS...Hubby's birthday is Friday, May 8. I started this post around midnight and for some reason it is listed as a Thursday post instead of the Friday post I had intended.

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