I'm not confused. I'm just well mixed.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Senior Moment

Did you ever have one of those days??? On Tuesdays and Thursdays Matthew has speech and OT from 1-2 so I usually run errands or grocery shop during that time. It is amazing how much I can get done when I only have one kid to haul around. I like to do my shopping at the Hy-Vee grocery store about 15 minutes away on the Eastern Edge of Sioux Falls. There is a bigger selection of products and a free cookie that they hand out to Andrew in the bakery area. I also get a gas discount at the Hy-Vee gas station when I buy groceries at the store. The discount varies from day to day but is usually 5 to 10 cents off per gallon. Probably the biggest reason to go there is that I hate the crappy service that I get at our local grocery store. Oh, the prices are usually higher and I'm more limited in the products I can buy too. Anyway, today was a go get groceries day so as soon as Matt's van left the driveway, I loaded Andrew up and set off for our weekly trek. I pulled into the parking lot and turned off the van and grabbed my purse. I noticed that it felt lighter than usual. A quick check revealed that I was missing my wallet. I then remembered that I took it out of my purse yesterday and put it in the canvas tote that doubles as a diaper bag/carry all (Matthew had a Dr. appointment and Andrew came with). Of course I also remembered that I took the bag out of the car and it was at home next to the chair in the living room. Thankfully I made this realization in the car BEFORE I had a cart full of groceries and people waiting behind me at the check out counter. I restarted the van and drove back to Brandon. On the way back home I decided to listen to the oldies radio station out of Pipestone, MN. This is a true oldies station (50's-early 70's pop and Motown) as opposed to the more common classic rock stations that seem to be all over the radio dials. I was bopping along to a Neal Sedaka song telling Andrew that this is what Grandma used to listen to when she was a teenager. I'm sure the poor kid was hoping I'd shut up and let him finish his sippy cup. The next song started up and I was was quite surprised to hear a song from the group .38 Special. This was a rock group from the 70's and 80's and the song playing was one that was popular back when I was in Jr. High/High School. At that moment I felt old old old . What's funny is that after the song finished, the station went back to playing the usual music so I don't know if this was a disc Jockey flub or if the music from my teen-age years is now considered "oldies" Andrew and I went to the grocery store in Brandon and I got a few necessary items like milk and juice before heading back home for nap time. I think I need my prune juice now...

1 comment:

Pam H. said...

I've heard you sing. I'm with Andrew. . . .Congrats on the new blog, by the way!!!