I'm not confused. I'm just well mixed.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Busy busy

Wow, I'm busy!! These past few days went by so fast I hardly had time to sleep. Friday morning the loving husband called me and asked if I wanted to take Matthew and Carolyn to the circus that afternoon. He also wanted me to rent a rug doctor so he could do some more spring cleaning. His plan was to move the dark green couch from downstairs and shampoo the carpet before moving the light green couch downstairs--yes we have two green couches, we like the color. He figured that Andrew would nap while he cleaned (ha ha). I spent the next few hours getting myself and three kids dressed and off to Sunshine Foods to rent the floor cleaner, back home to fix lunch and try and get the upstairs living room cleaned up before the husband came home. I managed to get the furniture vacuumed out and all the gunk swept up from under it. I also found several missing items that had "disappeared" in the past few months. The kids were totally excited to go to the circus, Carolyn had been talking about wanting to go all that week. Matthew had brought home a coupon for a free ticket and I picked up another coupon at Sunshine so all I had to do was pay my admission price. I can say for a fact that the Shriner's don't make money on the admission price but they make a killing on everything else. I promised to buy cotton candy and I caved in an did the pony ride for each kid. Total spent--$19. I did not buy the inflatable animals, light sabers, glow necklaces or the weird glowing spinning things or any other food of beverage that was sold. as for the show, it was really good. Both kids were totally enthralled. Carolyn of course liked the tigers and elephants and Matthew really liked the motorcycle act. After we were done I stopped by a gas station on the way home and bought then each a 20 oz pop and a bag of puff corn. Total spent--$4.00 Before heading home I had to stop by the bank and get more cash. For some strange reason I was low on money (gee I wonder why). After we got home I spent the rest of the afternoon helping with the cleaning and amusing of children. I'm a lousy partner when it comes to moving furniture so poor hubby moved the very heavy couch upstairs all by himself. I had convinced him to donate it because in my opinion it was in decent shape. No, Goodwill said it was too stained on the underside. Before he took off to Goodwill I was vacuuming the couch and it was tipped up so I set it back down and it mewed. I then spent a few minuted trying to convince Trina to get out from inside it. Hubby joked that he would have not heard a thing when I told him of my encounter. Later that night after Jim picked up the chair and we (he) had moved the light green couch and chair downstairs we did Pizza Ranch. I'm blaming Pizza Ranch on the fact I gained a pound when I went to my meeting Saturday morning--oh well can't lose weight every week. After I got home Jim and Matthew set out for class and I had to take the cleaner back to Sunshine. After class was over Jim and Carolyn headed out to the dump with the old couch and I took the boys over to the wear house to pick up our new couch. Of course they could not find it and hubs ended up coming over anyway. We had a friend of ours come with a pickup truck so after Jim showed up I took the boys and went to get hamburger and chips so we could eat lunch. Later that afternoon we finally had new furniture in the house and very tired kids. I had managed to book my sitter for that night because the movie "Taken" was at the cheap theatre. The nice thing about spring cleaning is that there is no mad dash to pick up the house before the sitter comes over. The movie was really good and we enjoyed ourselves. Sunday found us down in Yankton at my mother in law's house. She wanted help in hanging some artwork and Jim's sister was visiting from Brookings. We had a very fun day. Yesterday I had Matthew's 6 year check up. He is growing perfectly according to the height/weight curve and the doctor told me that this was Matthew's best check up with him. I also had to get forms signed so the school had it "officially" on record that Matthew is lactose intolerant and I can send enzyme tablets with him if needed. Later that evening I convinced the loving husband to do Cardio class with me instead of going up to Brookings for class. After our class was over I was practicing my Tae Kwan Do and he was doing his Hapkido stuff. All was going great until hubby asked me to help him with the Hapkido. One of the moves involved a sweep and take down. The first time was OK but he went faster the second time and I ended up being dropped on my head--OUCH! Thankfully I have a very hard head so no major damage. Hubby felt pretty bad though. This morning he was up bright and early off to the airport for his monthly out of town trip. He'll be gone until Thursday night. I signed up to do the MOPS rummage sale this week so I spent this afternoon marking all the clothes I want sold. I also baked brownies for the bake sale. I'll drop my stuff on tonight before I go to class. Thursday evening I help out. When I signed up to do the sale I didn't realize this was hubby's out of town week so I'll be taking the kids with me on Thursday. They do have childcare so it won't be that bad. I'll let you all know how I made out money wise. Well now I'm off to start supper. I need to get kids fed, and baths done so I can get my stuff dropped off and be on time for class. If I'm lucky I might have time later this week to sit down and do more than check-e-mail.

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