I'm not confused. I'm just well mixed.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The doughnut

The following is a small part of a conversation that occurred between me and Carolyn this morning before she left for school. * means the name has been changed

Carolyn: "I want to take the donut to school for snack today"

Me: "You can't take the donut for snack, it's not a healthy snack"

Carolyn: "Yeah, it's got nuts on it and they make George* sick"

Me: "You're right they can make someone sick but George isn't in your class but there might be other kids with allergies"

More chatter occurs about other things...

Carolyn: "Why can't I take donut to school with me?"

Me: "I don't know. Why can't you take donut to school with you?"

Carolyn: "Nuts make people sick with allergies. I wanna take goldfish crackers to school for snack."

Me : OK.

I then proceed to make a small snack bag of goldfish crackers and in the process notice the aforementioned doughnut is not in the box or even in the kitchen....

Me: "Carolyn, go get the donut and bring it back to me. You're not supposed to take it downstairs."

Carolyn: "OK mommy...." disappears down the basement stairs.

A few moments later there is a great commotion as the wails of an extremely outraged and upset Andrew filter upstairs.

Carolyn: "Here you go mommy."... as she is handing me a half-eaten donut.

Me: "Let me guess, you gave the donut to Andrew to eat and then went down and took it away form him."

Carolyn: "Yes, mommy."

Shortly thereafter Andrew comes stomping up the stairs very upset. He goes immediately to Carolyn and proceeds to smack her and yell "NO" at the top of his lungs. I quickly separate the two and divide the doughnut up and hand Andrew his half back. All goes quiet.

Welcome to my world.

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