Well I should probably apologise for my infrequent blog posts this summer. I kinda took a little time off from posting. However, now that the kids have gone back to school I will be able to devote more time to blogging.
Today was the first day back to school. Last night we had open house. All the kids got to meet their teacher and look around the classroom. It was also a time to drop off all those school supplies that they needed. I actually bought everything the first part of July when I walked into Wal-Mart needing a $6 hand mixer and saw that they had the school lists out and all the supplies right in front of me. I grabbed a cart and a list and started chucking items into the cart. Saved me a ton of time since all but 1 item was found and bought. It is amazing how much stuff kids need nowadays.
Today was the first day back to school. Last night we had open house. All the kids got to meet their teacher and look around the classroom. It was also a time to drop off all those school supplies that they needed. I actually bought everything the first part of July when I walked into Wal-Mart needing a $6 hand mixer and saw that they had the school lists out and all the supplies right in front of me. I grabbed a cart and a list and started chucking items into the cart. Saved me a ton of time since all but 1 item was found and bought. It is amazing how much stuff kids need nowadays.
Yesterday I had the kids pick out the outfits they wanted to wear today. Of course I had in my mind what I thought they should wear but since I'm not them and I really don't want to start the year off with a fashion fight I nodded my head when they pulled clothing out of the dresser.
Now I'm pretty sure Matthew would have worn whatever I handed him this morning since I've pretty much trained the kid to wear what I tell him to. Ok, that probably sounds bad but he is male and did not inherit the "looks good together" gene. He puts on a top and he puts on a bottom. It does not matter if it is orange stripes with red wind pants or long sleeves on a 90 degree day. He picked a shirt and jean shorts that looked good together but I did have to remind him to wear matching socks. He had 2 different lengths going on.
Carolyn is my little fashionista. She has definite ideas about what it is she wants to wear. It does not matter to her if things go together or not. It does not matter if she wears 2 or 3 different layers of clothing. In her world skirts go under dresses and dresses go over shirts and pants. Colorful socks are great and they don't really have to match the outfit. I do help her out when it comes to picking clothing but it is more of suggesting to her what might be nice to wear. I will only override if she picks a combo that is too cold/warm for the weather or looks dirty. I have been known to suggest she switch outfits if the combo of the day is really over the top. For today I had a really cute little dress picked out that I was sure she wanted to wear. Yeah right, she fell in love with a yellow t-shirt with a bunny on it at Target and decided that this was going to be her first day of school choice.
Matthew was the only one to have to get out of bed early this morning, The other two have afternoon school. He was a little grumpy but did pretty well at getting himself up and dressed. He was so excited to go to school. Because this is the first day, I had him walk up the block to the corner where the bus was to pick him up. Hopefully, the driver will do like she did last year and pick him up in front of the house.
Carolyn was supposed to be picked up at 11:50 but her bus was late. School starts at 12:05 so I waited until then and took her to school. She has a school case manage and the case manager was there at the front of the building to pick Carolyn up and walk her to class. I did apologise for being late but since Transportation was running very late I'm sure there were more kids showing up after the bell.
Thinking Andrew had school today and more than a little miffed about having to transport children to school I headed off to drop Andrew off and apologise for him being late. When I got to the school I thought it was strange the kids weren't playing outside in the playground. One of the school employees met me on the sidewalk and then told me that Early Childhood didn't start until next week. I wasn't the only parent that had tried to drop their child off but I still felt a little sheepish. I decided to drop off the supplies that were in Andrew's backpack since I was already there. I had his extra change of clothes, Kleenex and glue, along with the emergency contact card. Maybe I should read the stuff they send me in the mail or give to me during open house. The fact that my other children have also done Early Childhood should have been enough for me to remember that EC is on a whole different schedule than the rest of the district.
I guess if that is the only goof-up I had then this should be a pretty successful year. I really hope the kids have fun this year. Matthew has a few friends from last year in his class and Andrew has 4 other kids from last year's AM class with him this year. I'm not sure who Carolyn knows in her class since she was more interested in the LEGOS than the kids that were in her desk group. I'm looking forward to the fact I now have my afternoons free so I'll be able to volunteer in the classrooms and help out with field trips and class parties. I'll also have more time to blog and do grocery shopping (yippee).