I'm not confused. I'm just well mixed.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Shop til you drop

Thanksgiving is now a fond memory. Oh what a fun day. The total number of people was just over 100 and there were very few leftovers. I was actually planning on posting photos both on this post and my Facebook page but my main computer has been acting up lately and frankly, I didn't trust it to actually download the photos without locking up so sorry to say to those who participated in the crazy Schwarz family photofest...maybe at a later date. By crazy I mean my niece and nephew were striking all sorts of unique poses and when it came time to take actual pictures of my mother in law with her children and grandchildren well let's just say we got a few strange looks from others as we tried (I mean we really tried) to assemble a sensible and typical pose. I have a great shot of two of my nephews with their elbows resting on top of my head, a couple of "holding a big fish" poses with the same enterprising individuals and there now exists a great cleavage shot of me thanks to someones offhand comment about where my wonderful 16 year old nephew was actually aiming when he was taking pictures of the grown-ups ( it is amazing how fast a camera can snap a picture when the subject is joking around). Not to be outdone I have a great photo of the loving husband and myself. If you look real closely you can see we each posses a pair of rabbit ears courtesy of my sister in law who miraculously did not appear in said photo. We did get a few keepers but oddly enough I never managed to get one of our family, just one of me and the loving husband.

In addition to eating and playing photographer I did manage to get gift ideas from those on my Christmas list. The Sioux Falls paper is full of Black Friday ads and all it takes is for people to page though and make comments. A few carefully placed sheets of paper later and those who needed the lists went home happy. The ads were carefully packed up and transported back home with us so I could come up with my shopping strategy.

At the gathering, I am one of a very few who actually participate in the Black Friday shopping madness. I get the looks and comments from those who wonder why on earth I get up so doggone early and go forth into the shopping madness. Years ago, both before kids and before moving to an area close to major shopping, I too was one of those who questioned the sanity of anyone wanting to do Black Friday. Not anymore.

When we lived in Michigan we were about 2 hours (including traffic) from the mall so I was forced to do any Christmas shopping on weekends which I HATED so I was always trying to buy gifts in October or November but no one had any idea what they wanted for Christmas so I was always guessing or trying to find it locally. A real pain in the butt if you ask me. When we first moved back to South Dakota we were about 3 hours north and west of Sioux Falls but we did have a small mall in Aberdeen along with a few big box stores so I could at least shop during the off-peak hours or in the evenings when it wasn't so busy. Yankton is about an hour and a half south and west of Sioux Falls so it wasn't practical to do early shopping when we were down visiting for Thanksgiving.

All that changed when we moved to Brandon 5 years ago. Brandon is about 20-30 minutes drive from the mall depending on traffic. Sioux Falls also has a lot more shopping choices than just about any other town in a 200 mile radius ( 350 if you go west) so I can actually look at the Black Friday ads and realistically visit those stores unlike years past when I could look but only shop at about 5 stores max. The first year was more of a curiosity thing than anything else. The loving husband had taken the day off as vacation so I decided that what the heck I could get my fat butt out of bed and take care of a few gifts while the kids slept. I decided that hitting JC Penny by 5 was doable so I set the alarm and off I went.

The store was not as busy as I had imagined and the racks were still full of items. I have since found out that the kids clothing gets picked over quite quickly so the earlier the better but on that first shopping trip I still managed to get clothes for the kids that fit. I also found gifts for others on my list too. I kept finding things that were on doorbuster sales so they were 50-70% off . Items that I would never even consider because of cost suddenly became affordable. This was fun. I approached check out and although I still had to wait in line, it was not nearly as long as it would have been several hours later. I got my purchases rang up and then looked at my receipt...and the thrill hit. I had saved over $200. Not only did I save a big chunk of change but I had wiped out over half of my list in less than an hour and didn't have to chase after two small children. This was better than fun....THIS WAS AWESOME!!!! I collected my free snow globe and free donut hole and off I went to do more shopping. By the time I got home, Jim and the kids were finishing breakfast and it was just after 9 and I was done. Thus began the love of Black Friday.

I'm not sure if it is the fact I like to shop or the high I get when I find that great deal but Black Friday is more fun than hassle. Now to be fair I do have to put in some work beforehand but that is totally worth it. To do Black Friday right requires planning and strategy. First is to know when the stores open so you can pick a start point. Second is to decide what it is that you really really want. Third is to find out where else they sell it in case your first choice is out. Fourth is to map out a general time frame of where it is you plan on going and what it is you are going to buy. There are things that are out of your control like traffic, parking, and line waiting but if you know what it is you want when you enter the store then you spend a whole lot less time in there which give you more time to get to the next destination. I confess that I'm not a total die hard stand in line for hours freezing my butt off kind of person. I did do Toys R Us once and decided never again. It just wasn't worth the wait for the items I did buy. One year the loving husband got up at 3 and stood in line to get a great deal on our flat screen TV. He first started at Best Buy but quickly realized that he was not going to get one of the magic coupons so (because he did his homework) he jumped in the car and headed over to Lowes where he was one of the lucky 8. I willingly stayed home and ventured out late (6am) so he could get it. I will laugh because after he got the TV he was asking if I needed him to go anywhere else for gifts. He got the shopper's high.

This year my sister in law Julie decided to try the shopping. We got to JC Penny's at 4:15 and people were already walking out with bags. We spent about an hour or so shopping and I have to laugh because when she saw how much she saved she got the shopper's high. Our longest stop was Old Navy which in years past has been one of my shorter stops. We (I) made a shopping mistake by standing in line together for close to an hour. What we should have done was split up and one of us gone out to another store while the other stood in line. Yes, that's what people do on Black Friday. We could have been done shopping a hour earlier if we had done that...oh well.

All told we spent about 7 hours shopping and went to 9 different stores. Julie finished all her shopping and I got about 95% done. Some of the items on my gift list either needed to be purchased from certain web sites or did not need to be bought right away (gift cards). Next year I'll be on my own again since my wonderful sister in law only gets that day off every other year but she has told me that she'll be back again. As for me...I can't wait until next year.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm thankful for....

Yesterday I blogged about the actual Thanksgiving day feast and activities and today I'd like to actually write about what I'm thankful for. I know that the next few days will be busy busy so I doubt I'll find time to look at e-mail much less sit down and actually compose thoughts. OK, for those who know me the thinking thing is a little of a stretch but at least I try.

I'm thankful for.....

Waking up each morning
in a bed
located in my own bedroom
situated in my house
that has heat,
running water both hot and cold,
and indoor bathroom facilities
along with a kitchen that has working appliances
including a refrigerator that has food in it
and a pantry stuffed with items that are not always the most healthy .

I'm thankful for.....

A loving husband
who is and always will be
the love of my life.
And the most awesome
caring and faithful
father any 3 children will know
Who has a job in this tough economy
that earns enough
to provide for the basic
and not so basic
necessities of a happy home.

I'm thankful for...

so challenging and stressful
yet so wonderful and rewarding
all at the same time.
Three unique and special beings
with love in their hearts
and laughter in their lives
each one different than the other
yet similar in so many ways.
My love knows no boundaries
my heart has no limits
and each is as special to me
as any priceless artifact or buried treasure.

I'm thankful for....

both old and new
Some have been there for years
others a few months.
They listen to me
they give advice to me,
laugh with me
cry with me,
and pray for me.
I would not be
the person
I am
their love
and support.

I'm thankful for...

and his son
It is though Him
that I
find the strength
and the energy
and the wisdom
to make it through
even the toughest of days.

I'm thankful for...

The men and women
who choose
to honor the rest of us
and fight for the
we take so much for granted.
Because of them,
I can worship
in any way I want.
I can write a letter
to the editor
and not worry
about living to see it printed.
I have the right
to express my political opinions
by going to the polls
and voting.
I even have the right
to protest
and denounce
what my government
has decided to do
if I don't agree with a law
or policy.

I'm thankful for...

The air I breathe,
the water I drink,
the warm sunshine
and cloudy days
that makes
rain and snow possible
and the promise that
tomorrow's generations are working
to fix the problems
today's generation
and the ones before
have created
both locally
and globally

I'm thankful for...

The end of a day
and the promise of tomorrow
falling asleep
safe and secure
with a full tummy
and warm clothing
and the knowledge

Monday, November 23, 2009


Well this is the week. On Thursday I will gather with a very large group of Jim's family members and celebrate this wonderful holiday. This is something that his mother's side of the family has been doing for a lot of years. The hall in Lesterville, SD is reserved and that is where (depending on the year) roughly 100-120 family members gather to give thanks and reconnect with each other. The first time I went I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of individuals milling around greeting each other, laughing and talking all at once. Before the meal begins, the whole group gathers in one large circle with each family unit standing next to each other. We then start at 1 and go around the circle until every member is counted. Those who are not present at roll call but will be in later that day are also counted. After roll call is taken then we hold hands and sing the Lord's Prayer (it is a Catholic gathering) and then a Thanksgiving prayer is said thanking the Lord for the blessings of this year and remembering those who can't be here and those here in spirit. After that is done the eating begins.

I could do pages and pages recounting all of the wonderful stuff there is to eat. Yes, we have the turkey(s) and mashed potatoes and dressing (Let's just say it's not Stove Top Stuffing) and ham too. As you can imagine, this is a potluck affair so there is a multitude of items set out for all to enjoy. Usually I do a green bean casserole and Jim does the sweet potatoes with marshmallows. I've also been known to contribute a dessert or two, but not pumpkin pie..they have quite a few pie makers in the family. Because this is the Czech/German side of the family there are koliches (tasty pastries) to eat and dumplings too and a big dish of sauerkraut to put on the mashed potatoes (oh, I LOVE that). Those that don't do much in the way of food usually bring the beverages. I'm still amazed that for all the alcohol setting out, no one gets plastered and very few kids sneak a drink. There is of course tons of pop and juice drinks for the non-drinkers.

After stuffing ourselves silly, the fun begins. Usually the kids play some version of tag or hide and seek, If the weather isn't too cold or the outside too muddy then a football game of some sort takes place along with any other outside type game that kids might like to play. For those inside, there is the annual Trivial Pursuit game or some sort of card game. I think we have photos of one of our children sitting on a lap learning how to play poker. For the past few years we have brought the Sioux Falls paper with us and let individuals look over the ads. Just in case someone is still hungry, there are a few big bowls of chex mix both sweet and salty to snack on along with any veggies left over on the relish trays. Did I mention we have lots of food? This is the time photos are shared and babies admired and exciting news is announced. For quite a few years hubby and I were the subject of much ribbing as to when we would announce our engagement. We did announce one pregnancy (Carolyn) at this event and Andrew was only a few weeks old when he made his debut. I still laugh at how we set the carseat with a sleeping Andrew down on a table in front of my Mother-in-law asking her to watch over him for a few minutes while we got the coats off the other 2 kids and the food over to the serving area. When we returned a few minutes later he was being shown off as the newest grandchild and youngest participant. It seems we add new members every year.

As the afternoon wears down and the leftovers are again warmed up for anyone wanting another meal people start to trickle out. Soon there are only a handful left and they finish the job started by the early comers and wash the dishes, put the tables and chairs away, and clean the floor. Good-byes are said and the lights go out. Another year will have passed. Oh what fun and exciting memories. I can hardly wait.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chocolate chip cookie brownies

Sorry for the lapse in posts...life gets so busy sometimes. I thought since the festival of the really huge bird was around the corner I'd post one of my favorite dessert recipes. This is super easy and only requires a few ingredients and surprise surprise does not involve pumpkin or graham crackers.

To make:

1 box of family size brownie mix (13 x 9)
1 package chocolate chip cookie mix
Chocolate frosting

Ingredients needed:

vegetable oil
3-4 eggs depending of brand of mix and type of brownie (cake vs. traditional)
1 stick of butter

Set oven to 350
Spray bottom of a 13 x 9 inch pan with non-stick spray and set aside.
Prepare brownie mix according to directions. Spread in pan.
Make cookie dough according to directions on package.
Drop cookies by rounded spoonful into the brownie batter; press down lightly.
Bake 35-40 minutes or until toothpick inserted 2 inches from the side of the pan comes out almost clean.
Cool completely and frost with chocolate frosting.

There you have it folks, an awesome take with you totally delicious dessert. If you want you can make the frosting from scratch but the canned stuff works just as well and is a lot easier to take with if you are traveling to some one's house. You can also use frosting other than chocolate if you don't want to go for the chocolate overload. If you buy the Betty Crocker brand of chocolate chip cookie mix the recipe is located at the bottom of the package but like I said earlier, any brand works. Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3 years

You came into my life.....

It was love at first sight.....

I watched you change....

and grow....

Oh what a fun ride it's been.
Happy 3rd birthday Andrew.