Finally it's Friday! Another week has gone by. It's been one of those weeks. I posted on Tuesday about my busy weekend and mentioned that this week was
fixing to be just as hectic. Well, it did not disappoint. Hubby left me bright and early (5 AM early) for his trip out to Indiana and Ohio. He goes out there every month for meetings and to inspect the plants and make sure that they are not having major issues. The
recession has cut down on his travel so this is the only major out of state trip he takes. I also don't think there are any more plant start ups so I don't have to
worry about the 6 week "ethanol season" that usually starts about this time of the year. I had tons of stuff to do so after going back to sleep for a few hours it was up again and getting Matthew out the door by 7:30. I needed to get a pan of brownies baked and I wanted to get my rummage sale stuff together so I could mark and price it. My plan was to have the brownies frosted and ready to put in the MOPS bake sale and tag everything so that I could go over to the church and drop it off between 6:30 and 7. I have class at 8 so I wanted to be done and over to the Wellness Center in time. I was able to mark the clothing in the afternoon while Carolyn was at school and Matthew was at speech/PT. Of course Andrew decided not to take a nap so he "helped" me. I did not have a lot of stuff, just a large garbage bag full of clothes and a few other
miscellaneous items. I was so proud of myself, I got supper fixed on time and the kids were bathed and ready to go by 6. We went over to the church where the sale was being held. Our chapter of MOPS meets at Faith Baptist Church in Sioux Falls and the church generously lets us use the building for the sale. Matthew was a huge help when it came time to put my stuff out on the tables. He was able (with a few commands) to take clothing and put it on the correct table. I actually was early to class so I was able to have a few "me" minutes. By the time we got done with class and home Matthew was passed out in the car and Andrew and Carolyn weren't too far behind so bedtime was super easy. I was able to watch my current favorite guilty pleasure TV show "
Deadliest Catch" on Discovery Channel. I can't stand the so called reality shows on most networks but there is something about a show where real people are out doing a very dangerous job that is totally captivating.
I had planned to make Wednesday my easy day. I took the boys and grocery shopped in the afternoon while Carolyn was at school and I planned to make that my only outing of the day. I didn't have class and I wanted to let the kids have a night where they weren't going somewhere and give them a chance to go to bed early and catch up on sleep. You know the saying about the best
layed plans... There is also the fact that every time hubby goes out of town something bad happens. So far in the past three years or so I've
dealt with stomach flu (a couple times), really nasty ear infections ( every kid at least once), croup, being locked in a bedroom and having to call the police to get me out, losing my set of van keys and hubby has the spare in his pocket, forgetting to turn off the DVD player in the van resulting in a dead battery (we have a battery jumper), having Andrew get a hold of the phone and call 911--yes two officers showed up at my door, and you get the picture. So supper was done and the kids were playing while I was cleaning up the mess. I wasn't planning on going anywhere so I wasn't in a rush about baths or in a
hurry to zoom though kitchen detail. I heard Andrew sobbing in the bedroom and he didn't quit right away so I went in picked him up and assuming Matthew was the problem, scolded Matthew for making his brother cry. After a few moments of
sippy cup and a lap, Andrew turned and looked at me and that's when I saw the reason for the tears. He had the mother of all goose eggs on his forehead. It looked like something out of a sci/
fi movie. I then called Matthew over to ask what what happened and what did he do to his brother (yes, I'm such a good Mom). Matthew told me that Andrew was jumping on the bed (Matthew's) and fell
foreword and bumped his head. I think it was probably the
headboard that did it but it could have been the wall. The sheer size of the bump and the speed in which it appeared made me realize that Urgent Care was now on the agenda. I got the kids ready and loaded up and off we went. Thankfully it wasn't that busy so we were out in less than an hour. Andrew showed no signs of neurological problems and did not appear to have a skull fracture --yeah, no ER and CAT scans-- so I was given the head trauma sheet and told to bring him in to ER if he develops any of the symptoms. I'm hoping this is a wake up call to all the kids on why Mommy gets upset whey they jump on the bed (I doubt it). So much for a quiet night.
Yesterday was my day to work at the sale. When I
originally signed up I was hoping the hubby would help with watching the kids but he was going to be gone so I figured if I took the later shift and cleaned up I would not have to deal with school
schedules and I could make my class by 8. We got over there a little early so one of the other moms was able to leave and pick her kids up at school. There were two of us moms who brought kids so instead of taking tuns and watching them in the nursery we just let the kids play in the area of the sale. They actually did pretty good. Around 5 my kids started getting hungry so I called hubby to see if he was in
the state yet and his plane had just landed so he was able to come over to the church and pick the kids up and take them to McDonald's for supper. After they got done he came back to the church and helped us put the tables away and set the chair back up. Thanks sweetie. He took off to help teach the kids Tae Kwan Do class and I kept the kids with me and we showed up a little before 8. For some strange reason, everyone was very tired when we got home. This morning I had my last MOPS meeting and both Andrew and Carolyn were passed out and I had to wake them up in order to get there on time. It never fails, give me a morning where no one has to get up early and I've got kids bouncing out of bed by 7 and on the days I need to get out of the house I've got pumpkins. Oh well.
$18.55 ...That's how much I made on the MOPS rummage sale.